Several Newton city councilors signed a petition calling on Boston College to open an LGBTQ+ resource center and include gender identity in the University’s discrimination policy, according to Patch.
News, On Campus
Boisi Center Panelists Respond to Vatican Document on Gender Identity
The Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life hosted a panel about the relationship between the natural sciences and theology on Tuesday. This event was largely in response to a controversial Vatican document that instructs Catholic schools on how to deal with issues surrounding gender identity.
News, On Campus
Openly Transgender Priest Speaks on Identity, Faith
Rev. Cameron Partridge is one of seven openly transgender priests in the Episcopal clergy.
On Campus, News
GLC Makes Efforts to Modify Non-Discriminatory Policy
UGBC’s GLC drafts a gender identity and gender expression report to present to the administration for modification of the non-discriminatory policy.
News, On Campus, Top Story
UGBC Passes Gender Identity Provision, Signaling Desire For University Change
The Student Assembly voted to amend the non-discrimination act of UGBC’s constitution to include protection for gender identity and expression.