The government’s mismanagement of priorities and dysfunction within its coronavirus response has resulted in extreme hardship for much of the everyday population, and without serious reflection on how to help people to survive these difficult times, many more people will die preventable deaths, suffer from extreme stress, and lose out on valuable early education.
Jesuit College Student Government Leaders Create Alliance
Student government presidents at the United States’ 28 Jesuit colleges and universities, as well as St. John’s College in Belize and Campion College in Canada, announced the creation of the Jesuit Student Government Alliance (JSGA) on Oct. 5.
The Consciences Behind the Candidates: Reed Piercey and Ignacio Fletcher
“Everything is a part of movement … Always look to the future,” Ignacio Fletcher, UGBC executive vice presidential candidate said while he and Reed Piercey, UGBC presidential candidate, spoke on matters close to home.
The Complication of Taxation
“If we can figure out a way to simplify the tax code—a nonpartisan endeavor—then we will make our workforce more productive. Of course, limiting regulations and lowering taxes would also help, but with a divisive political field, simplification is one task that we can readily achieve.”
Designing a More Efficient Government
“A smaller government with enough strength to regulate business can facilitate the efficiency of the free market while preventing that market from taking advantage of the people,” says Garrett Reynolds.
How Capitalism Can Free Cuba
“The embargo on Cuba has failed. Let us expose Cuba to capitalism and allow it to prosper.”
Green Line Investment Is Only The Beginning
Green Line development is just one of the many changes Boston infrastructure will see in the coming months.
Preparing To Take Office, Baker Makes Key Appointments
Republican governor-elect Charlie Baker is reaching across the aisle as he makes appointments for his upcoming administration.
Dictatorship: An Alternative To Gridlock
Political polarization has made the U.S. government more dysfunctional than ever. That’s why I should be in charge.
Walsh Updates Role Of Technology In City Government
With one year under his belt Mayor Walsh plans to move the city into the 21st century with a new emphasis on technological systems.