Heavily-trafficked sections of the Red, Orange, and Green Lines will be closed on weekends this fall for repairs, according to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. The MBTA approved the project, dubbed Building a Better T, on Aug. 12.
The T, Metro
MBTA to Replace Signals, Lay New Track Along Newton’s Green Line
In October, the MBTA will begin laying 25,000 feet of new track and replacing 6.5 miles of signals on the Green Line D branch between the Beaconsfield and Riverside stations.
The T, Column, Opinions
Keeping Public Transportation Public
“Every day these hardworking people continue bailing out a ship that has been taking on water for years.”
Metro, Top Story, The T
Not Easy Being Green: MIT Student Sets Out To Track Green Line With App
MIT senior Alex Grinman hopes his new app ‘Greenline’ will help Bostonians navigate the seemingly unreliable system.
Metro, Featured Column, Column, The T
As T Troubles Persist, A Look At Embracing The Aged System
The last week of travel disasters has proved that the T needs revamping—but here’s why you should embrace the historic charm that makes the T a quintessential part of Boston.
Metro, Column, The T
Green Line Investment Is Only The Beginning
Green Line development is just one of the many changes Boston infrastructure will see in the coming months.