Almost a year after the “Silence is Still Violence” march, Boston College is staring down several obstacles that stand in the way of a more diverse and representative faculty, but according to figures, BC has one of the most diverse faculties of its peer schools.
News, On Campus
On Friday, A Minister Aims To Open A Dialogue Around Race, Social Justice
Rev. Dr. Gregory Groover will speak about pathways for healing and how to advance justice.
News, Administration
Dean of Graduate School Of Social Work Steps Down
Alberto Godenzi, the dean of the School of Social Work, has announced that he will step down at the close of the 2015-16 academic year.
Associate Dean of Research In GSSW Awarded For Work In Mental Health
The Associate Dean of Research of the Boston College Graduate School of Social Work (GSSW), David Takeuchi, has been awarded the Leonard I. Pearlin Award by the American Sociological Association for his research contributions to the field of mental health.
News, Academics
Six-Figure Grant To Fund Additional Training for GSSW Students
Marylou Sudders, an associate professor in the Boston College Graduate School of Social Work (GSSW) has earned a $664,000 grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) for her work in the field of health services and mental health advocacy.