Tag: gym

Sauna Rules
Opinions, Column

Sauna Rules

The first week of classes is a little like the first week of January. I’m extra nice to everyone, striving for 10,000 steps a day, and trying not to eat carbs. Then, by January 7—or the second week of the semester—I’ve given up on my utopian resolutions and succumbed to Late Night at the Rat.

TU/TD, Opinions

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Jan. 24

Thumbs Up:  New Mac, who dis?  Pre-transformation, she scared away even the bravest of eaters. Now Carney’s, the primarily freshman dining hall, affectionately referred to as “Mac,” has upperclassmen making the lines in the once-barren dining hall look like the Lower lines that freshmen once clogged first semester. Everyone wants a piece of the newly…