Tag: halloween

Opinions, TU/TD

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week Of Nov. 1

Thumbs Up Jazz in the Background: Midterm weeks pitch a wicked curveball to the Spotify algorithm. Unfortunately, when it’s crunch time, “INDUSTRY BABY” simply won’t cut it. Many claim that classical music is the way to go, but it cannot replicate the improvisation of gentle and upbeat instrumentals that jazz captures.  Dressing up for Halloween:…

CAB Celebrates Halloween with Spooky Monster Mash Dance
On Campus, News

CAB Celebrates Halloween with Spooky Monster Mash Dance

All around campus this week, students have switched out their hoodies and Patagonias to don spooky get-ups to celebrate Halloween. The Campus Activities Board (CAB) has worked to match students’ Halloween spirit by hosting a variety of events—from haunted houses to scary movies—around Boston College’s campus.

Opinions, TU/TD

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: 10/20

Thumbs Down: People Who Don’t Like Candy Corn
This thumbs down is kind of a double negative—apologies to our copy team. That being said, candy corn is literally honey-flavored nostalgia. Anyone who doesn’t like it clearly just didn’t have the proper amount of Halloween cheer as a kid. For 21+ readers, try soaking candy corn in vodka and then adding pineapple juice or club soda. You’re welcome.

Opinions, TU/TD

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Oct. 13

Thumbs Up: Flies. Flies everywhere are really having a moment. From the national debate stage to…the national debate stage. Five years ago, could you ever have imagined that the one thing you would take away from a vice presidential debate would be that a fly landed on Mike Pence’s hair? #flygate

My Culture Is Not Your Halloween Costume
Opinions, Column

My Culture Is Not Your Halloween Costume

As someone who is of Middle Eastern heritage, I dislike Halloween very much. It’s the time of year when my friend who once thought Pakistan and Syria were both bordering nations, who once asked me if I liked “Muslim food,” and who once expressed her sorrow about the war in my country (in Lebanon?) decides…

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