Tag: happiness

An Exercise in Joy
Opinions, Column

An Exercise in Joy

Yesterday a friend said, “I have to become ‘adult me.’ I’ll never be this way again.” I rushed to say, “You’re still you though!” If we see graduating and whatever comes after that as the end of who we are, we do ourselves a disservice. I would hate to see my life peak at 21 years old. Wouldn’t you?

Slowing Your Way Out of the Junior Slump
Column, Opinions

Slowing Your Way Out of the Junior Slump

After two years of existing as a clueless underclassman who can’t tell Stokes North from Stokes South, upperclassman-ship is finally upon me. The glitz and glamor of being a junior is nice, but nobody talks about the instantaneous rush of stress that comes with planning life after college.

Happiness, Sadness, and Sugar in Between
Column, Opinions

Happiness, Sadness, and Sugar in Between

While my sleeves are patched with my heart all over, my skin is tough from needles and bruises. And as hard as I try, I can’t fake a convincing smile, but I can stare down glaring red alerts, warning that my life is in danger. I am sensitive. I feel my emotions hard and tend to express them even harder. I’ve sobbed while eating “chicken and two sides” in Mac, and I’ve uncontrollably laughed to myself on the treadmill in the Plex. 

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