Reports of hate crimes and bias-related incidents in Newton in the past month have been higher than normal, according a Newton Police Department officer.
Opinions, Letters To The Editor
In Response To: “‘Why Is It Only Our Floor?…Why Us?:’ Multicultural Learning Floor Vandalized Saturday Morning”
On February 2, The Heights reported on an incident of vandalism in the Boston College residence hall of CLXF on the third floor of Xavier. According to Heights reporting, door decorations were torn off, doors were knocked on, and trash bins were knocked over. This incident occurred on a Saturday night. What I take issue…
Off Campus, News, Top Story
Sorkin Accepts Plea Deals, Avoids Hate Crime Charge
The judge ordered him to pen a letter of apology to the BC community, stay away from all BC campuses, and complete two classes at UNLV related to diversity or racially sensitive issues.
News, Off Campus, Top Story
Hate Crime Charge Sought Against Sorkin
Michael Sorkin, CSOM ’21, the student who allegedly defaced Welch Hall with racist epithets last December, will be arraigned in Middlesex County court on Feb. 13.