Tag: high school

Impulsively Creative, Chronically Bored: Navigating Academia as an ADHD Girlie
Opinions, Column

Impulsively Creative, Chronically Bored: Navigating Academia as an ADHD Girlie

I have always thought of myself as a decent student. While I was certainly never the girl with color-coded notes, assignment spreadsheets, or pre-planned study schedules, I knew how to work hard. I was intimately familiar with my own capabilities, and I knew that I could walk away with a grade that I was happy with if I applied enough effort when necessary. And for all intents and purposes, this system worked well … for high-school me.

The Sophomore Condition
Column, Opinions

The Sophomore Condition

People change. That’s a big part of what college is for: self-development and personality exploration. These are the years we decide who we want to be, and more practically, who we are going to be.