Behind the smoke and mirrors of film merits, the question arises of whether these adaptations hold any weight to their literary counterparts. As riveting as it is to watch your favorite book take on the big screen, have these adaptations ultimately caused harm to literature?
Column, Features
I’m Not Interested in Seeing My Name on the Walk of Fame
“The city is wack, and you don’t realize it until it hits you in the face, right when Dr. Dre’s son spills a drink on you,” said Joan Kennedy on her experience in Los Angeles.
News, On Campus, Featured Story
‘Glee’ Star Alex Newell Reflects on Identity
Alex Newell said that life in Hollywood is centered around stereotypes, and his identity doesn’t always correlate with the expectation.
Opinions, Column
Gender Inequality in Hollywood
“If a film is nominated for any important awards, we have learned to assume that it stars male actors or it is directed and produced by men.”
News, On Campus
Trust Needed Between U.S. And Chinese Film Markets
Martha Bayles brought together leaders within movie industry to talk about the potential merging of the Chinese and American movie markets.