A few weeks ago, I was scrolling through TikTok—as I do far too often—and came across an old Bo Burnham skit. In the video, accurately titled “Lower Your Expectations,” Burnham mischievously serenades the audience from behind a keyboard, opening with the lines “You want a guy that’s sweet, a guy that’s tough / A feminist…
On Campus, News
McNellis Examines ‘Hookup Culture’ Through Jesuit Lense
McNellis is mainly concerned with the vagueness of the term “hookup,” the assumptions people make when hooking up, and how men shouldn’t take advantage of women in this manner.
On Campus, News
Panel on Masculinity Discusses ‘BC Bro’ Culture
Even at a school without the stereotypical environment of a frat scene, some male students can feel pressure to increase their “body count.”
Top Story, Features
Catching Cronin’s Perspective Beyond Annual ‘Dating Talk’
Professor Kerry Cronin’s role extends outside the classroom into the love lives of her students.
News, On Campus, Top Story
The Kerry Cronin Guide to Dating: ‘Awkward People Suck’
At her infamous talk, Kerry Cronin doled out dating advice to the BC community in an attempt to move away from the hookup culture.