Tag: instagram

False Connection
Column, Opinions

False Connection

Your phone—that little device that, for many people, is the one thing we bring with us wherever we go. You might even be using it right now to read this. Supposedly, it connects us to the world. Yet somehow, it still manages to disconnect us from each other.

Saving Instagram, One Swipe at a Time
Column, Opinions

Saving Instagram, One Swipe at a Time

You’ve probably read a dozen articles like this before: “Instagram linked to depression,” “Social media leads to decline in self-esteem,” “Snapchat crushes your soul”—each and every one being more dire than the last. And they usually end with “DELETE SOCIAL MEDIA NOW!” What they fail to recognize is how unrealistic those expectations are, especially as a college student.

Patterns on My Pants: TU/TD
Blog, TU/TD

Patterns on My Pants: TU/TD

I’ve got a pair of blue-ish pants. But they aren’t just plain blue, devoid of any other form of expression. They’re dotted up and down with black and white geese, a sharp contrast that captures the eye.

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