Tag: leahy

Leahy Gave the CEO of CVS Health an Award Shortly After the Company Started Distributing Abortion Pills. Some Are Calling The Decision Hypocritical.
News, On Campus, Top Story, Administration

Leahy Gave the CEO of CVS Health an Award Shortly After the Company Started Distributing Abortion Pills. Some Are Calling The Decision Hypocritical.

In March, CVS began distributing prescriptions of the abortion pill mifepristone. Just over a month later, on April 18, University President Rev. William P. Leahy, S.J., awarded President and CEO of CVS Health Karen S. Lynch, BC ’84, the 2024 President’s Medal for Excellence. “Lynch will be presented with the President’s Medal for Excellence in…

LTE: In Response to “Leahy Addresses Faculty at Convocation”
Letters To The Editor, Opinions

LTE: In Response to “Leahy Addresses Faculty at Convocation”

We, the members of Climate Justice at Boston College, read the August 29 article about Fr. Leahy’s convocation address with hope. We applaud Fr. Leahy’s stated commitment to BC’s “long-standing Jesuit Catholic heritage” and to meeting global challenges that Catholic universities, as Fr. Leahy notes, are uniquely positioned to help confront. Yet we also recognize…

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