“Not all the profit is from those addicted to the game, of course, but the lottery system is still a detriment to those who play it, which, in my opinion, outweighs the supposed benefits.”
ResLife Demystified: A Look at the Housing Process and Options for the Upcoming Lottery
If you are stressed out about the upcoming housing selection process, don’t panic. We’re all in this together, and the Office of Residential Life is here to help. Gregory Jones, director of housing operations, Andrew Gresenz, housing assignments specialist, Noor Ibrahim, assistant director of housing assignments and occupancy, and Peter Kwiatek, assistant director of off-campus…
Featured Column, Column, Opinions
A 1/292 Chance of Being Happy?
We are so desperate to improve the quality of our lives—our happiness—that we unconsciously ignore the numbers. It is our innate hope that creates optimists instead of realists.