“Love is a commitment that lasts longer than being in love,” Dan Ponsetto said.
Attachment, Desire, and Compassion: Stephen Pope’s Approach to Love
Stephen Pope, who has taught at Boston College for 28 years, focuses his theology classes on a different approach from the Aristotelian concepts of love.
Dunn Talks ‘Love Lost,’ ‘Love Unrealized’
The spirit of agape is to give your love away to someone, Dunn said.
Why Do We Love?
“All it takes is skipping between radio stations for five minutes—four of which you’ll probably be listening to “Closer”—to notice that love is a major theme of life.”
When Love Means Clean Sheets
“An insincere sense of politeness is as natural as air at BC. We all do it. I certainly do.”
Catching Cronin’s Perspective Beyond Annual ‘Dating Talk’
Professor Kerry Cronin’s role extends outside the classroom into the love lives of her students.
Quirky, Awkward Moments Warrant a Second Date With Judd Atapow’s ‘Love’
Seeking to bring a more genuine, down to earth feel to matters of love and relationships, Judd Atapow’s ‘Love’ creates touching moments of sentimentality, despite its sometimes limited tonal range.
Falling in Love with Boston College
The moment you “became” Boston College most likely felt like fate—because after all, it’s supposed to feel that way.
You’re Single? Good
We need to stop pursuing relationships like we do a homework assignment or internship. Finding a life partner cannot be another checkmark on your college to-do list.