Sentiments of inclusiveness and empowerment rang through the Cutler Majestic Theatre at Emerson College early Tuesday evening as a group of impassioned teenagers took to the stage to examine gun violence and reform in the United States.
Boston, Politics, Metro
Students Lead Thousands to Protest Gun Violence in March for Our Lives
Organized by students in the wake of the deadly shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (MSD) in Parkland, Fla. last month, thousands participated in the rally March for Our Lives on Saturday to protest gun violence. Participants marched from Roxbury at Madison Park Technical Vocational High School down Columbus Ave. to Boston Common.
Metro, Politics, Featured Story
Parkland Students Push Gun-Control Agenda in Massachusetts
In anticipation of the March For Our Lives, one of the largest nationwide gun-control related protests in recent memory, students and alumni from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School are continuing to push their gun-control agenda throughout a seven-day stretch dubbed Eagle Pride Week.
Featured Story, Politics, Metro
Parkland Students Discuss Gun Control at Harvard
The forum was titled “#NEVERAGAIN: How Parkland Students are Changing the Conversation on Guns.”