In 2020, Eagles for Equality was founded with a goal of creating a more inclusive BC for student-athletes. Two years later, the group is still fighting for change.
Sports, Weekly Roundup
Weekly Sports Roundup: Week Of January 24
Women’s tennis remains undefeated, and a number of personal records in track and field were shattered.
Sports, Spring, Weekly Roundup
Weekly Sports Roundup: Week of April 12
Rowing and field hockey won, men’s and women’s tennis struggled, and track and field wrapped up its season.
Weekly Roundup, Sports
Weekly Sports Roundup: Week Of March 22
This week’s Boston College athletics teams struggled in general, although volleyball and men’s tennis earned their first wins of the season.
Weekly Roundup, Sports
Weekly Sports Roundup: Week of March 15
This week in Boston College athletics saw soccer, track and field, volleyball, and tennis all compete and largely struggle.