Various dance groups performed to help share South Asian culture with Boston College.
Dazzling Week of Dance Celebrates Spirit and Expression
FISTS, Full Swing, and PATU push boundaries, and collaborate to steal the show during this year’s Week of Dance.
AeroK Takes First Place In Showdown Culture Category
In a hard fought competition in the cultural category of Showdown, the hip-hop dance group AeroK took first place, with Presenting Africa to You coming in second.
‘Showdown’ Unleashes a Cacophony of Feet From Brighton to Upper
In preparation for ‘Showdown’ dance groups from across campus speak about what the event means for them and how they see the art of dance being fostered on campus.
Dance Showcase Leaves Audiences Awestruck in Soaring and Gorgeous Performance
The marked talents of BC’s dance community cannot be overstated. In the Second Annual Week of Dance Showcase, the electrifying technical skill of all groups involved left audiences smiling, swinging, and swooning.
Dancers Enchant For Stunning Performance On Robsham Stage
This year’s Week of Dance delivers a harmonious marriage of movement and music, with each group proving they deserve their place on the Robsham stage.
Masti Exposes Students To South Asian Dance In Performances and Competitions
Masti, BC’s only South Asian dance team, won first place in Showdown’s culture category and aims to keep its title this year.
Best Of BC Street: The Festival In Review
Musical performances from student bands including Juice and Jammin’ Toast, dance routines from on campus groups like Masti and DOBC, and cotton candy, popcorn, and food met for RHA’s BC Street on Friday.