In a public meeting on Monday, the Fiscal and Management Control Board (FMCB) of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) decided to delay a vote on the Forging Ahead Initiative.
Mayor Fuller Opposes Proposed MBTA Service Cuts
As a part of its “Forging Ahead” initiative, the MBTA Advisory Board held a public meeting on Nov. 17 to discuss potential service cuts to the Inner Core service area.
Newton City Council Responds to Proposed MBTA Service Cuts
The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) proposed a number of service cuts to account for the $580 million budget shortfall it is experiencing due to decreased ridership during the pandemic.
Car Crashes into MBTA Tracks on Comm. Ave.
A car crashed into the fence along the Green Line B Branch tracks near Gerald Street on Friday afternoon. All three people in the car were uninjured.
Ariel Cox, MCAS ’22, Critically Injured After Being Struck by Train
Ariel Cox, MCAS ’22, is in critical condition after being hit by a train on Friday, according to an email from Vice President for Student Affairs Joy Moore.
The Voice of the T
If you have ever ridden the T, you would recognize his voice. It’s featured in announcements like “entering Government Center” and “change here for the Green Line” on the subways throughout the T system. It has reassured frantic passengers about everything from the name of the approaching stop to important safety messages since 1995. And…
MBTA Expands Commuter Rail Pilot Program
The program includes peak arrival and departure times in its schedule. It also provides additional midday and late evening trips. Not all trains will stop at Hyde Park, Ruggles, or Back Bay Stations—passengers can check train schedules on the MBTA website.
Broken Axle Caused Red Line Derailment, MBTA Says
The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) announced Monday that the Red Line car derailment on June 11 was due to a broken axle. There was poor electrical connectivity between two pieces of the axle, weakening it over time, according to the report detailing the incident. The derailment caused significant service disruptions and was the beginning…
Orange Line Fire Suspends Service
Orange Line service was suspended this afternoon and then replaced with shuttle buses in the wake of reports of a fire in the track area, according to an MBTA tweet.
Weekend Closures Announced for Three T Lines
Heavily-trafficked sections of the Red, Orange, and Green Lines will be closed on weekends this fall for repairs, according to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. The MBTA approved the project, dubbed Building a Better T, on Aug. 12.