The program provides financial incentives to the companies in attempt to increase the availability of wheelchair accessible vehicles. For every hour that wheelchair accessible vehicles are made available for use, Lyft and Uber will receive a subsidy of $24 from MassDot and the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA).
MBTA Renames Yawkey Station as Lansdowne Station
The station and MBTA signs are being updated now, and the change is set to go into effect on April 8.
City of Newton Releases First Draft Proposal for Riverside Development Project
The Planning Department will not deliver a final draft of the new citywide zoning ordinance until 2020, and stressed that this proposal should be looked at as a first draft.
City Councilors Call to Eliminate Bus Route 28 Fare
Boston City Councilors Michelle Wu and Kim Janey ordered a hearing regarding eliminating the ridership fare for the MBTA bus route 28 at the Boston City Council meeting on Wednesday.
MBTA to Provide Free Passes to Students Grades 7-12
All Boston students in grades seven through 12 in Boston will be provided with free MBTA passes, starting in the 2019-20 school year.
MBTA Fare Hike Approved by Board on Tuesday
A 5.8 percent rate hike for rides on the T or the commuter rail will go into effect, according to a release from the Massachusetts Bay Transport Authority (MBTA). The governing board of the MBTA voted in favor of the fare increase on Monday night. Bus rates will be unaffected, as will rates paid by seniors and riders with disabilities.
MBTA Hosts Public Hearing on Planned Fare Hike
A lively gathering of Bostonians crowded outside the Transportation Board Room on Wednesday for a public hearing on the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority’s (MBTA) proposed fare hike, which will go into effect July 1 of this year.
Petition Opposes MBTA Fare Increase
Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu is circulating a petition to oppose the MBTA’s proposed fare hike. The MBTA should look to create a sustainable source of revenue for creating a fare-free system.
MBTA to Replace Signals, Lay New Track Along Newton’s Green Line
In October, the MBTA will begin laying 25,000 feet of new track and replacing 6.5 miles of signals on the Green Line D branch between the Beaconsfield and Riverside stations.
Finding Kindness in a Big City
“As I tapped the green Spotify icon, my phone slowed, froze, and—knowing the all-too-familiar next step before it occurred—my screen turned black.”