Tag: meditation

Moss Eye View
Column, Opinions

Moss Eye View

To begin, I’ll assume you are like me. This is to say that you’re a neurotic, and you just happen to be the type of neurotic who dreads decision-making. Simple questions of either/or — either you could take Painting I: Foundations next semester or that 3000-level required-for-your-major class — are life-changing confrontations. These confrontations come…

The Power Of Meditation
Column, Opinions

The Power Of Meditation

When someone says the word “meditation,” what immediately comes to mind? Do you picture a Buddhist monk sitting cross-legged in a robe? Or maybe you’ve had the unfortunate experience of being bombarded with incessant Headspace ads on YouTube. You might even be drawn back to a memory of that person you met one time who…

Why Mindfulness Matters
Opinions, Column

Why Mindfulness Matters

“The benefits of mindfulness include decreased stress, stronger focus, better productivity, and an increased ability to be present, making it one of the best psychological practices for a college student.”