“What are your hobbies?” For pretty much my entire life, my answer to the classic icebreaker has been reading. It’s been one of my only reliable means of relaxation for as long as I can remember—the collection of books spilling off my shelves can attest as much.
Razek Stresses the Importance of Sharing Mental Health Stories With Others
Mental health is often overlooked and undiscussed, according to Matthew Razek, associate director of First Year Experience at Boston College.
UGBC Senate Passes Bill to Introduce Messina College Senator in the Fall, Discusses Mental Health Days
The UGBC Senate passed a bill to introduce a new senator from the inaugural Messina College class this fall during its meeting on Tuesday night.
Mental Health and Coping in the Digital Age
The mental health conversation is the loudest it’s ever been and everyone has something to say. The internet has revolutionized how openly we talk about mental health, but this revolution was not without its consequences.
My New Workout Plan: From a Retired BC Athlete
After four years of competitive Division I athletics here at Boston College, I find myself standing disoriented in the plex, the faint sound of music buzzing through the speakers around me.
Panelists Discuss Inequities in Health Care Treatment for Black and Brown Men
For men of color, there is an ever-present fear of receiving subpar health care treatment, according to Keith Mascoll, an actor, producer, and mental health advocate.
Cleaning My Room
The room was a display of my inner thoughts: unorganized and chaotic. As the space got more cluttered, I spent my days criticizing everything that I did and every aspect of my being.
Mental Health and Dove Dark Chocolate
As I perused through Star Market, I came across the holiday-themed aisle, which all grocery stores tout prematurely at every monetarily advantageous occasion. At this time of year, the aisle is crammed with pink and red hearts and weary-looking stuffed bears.
Is Attending Boston College Something To Be Proud Of?
The BC alumni network is regarded as one of the most robust alumni networks in the country. It seems as though all alumni are proud they went to BC and eager to help out a “baby Eag.”
Phone Usage: A Gateway to Mindlessness?
While it may be entertaining to watch content and multitask, our phone makes us increasingly comfortable with splitting our attention. From walking to eating to brushing our teeth, our phones have wormed their way into every small activity to the point where we cannot be fully present throughout an entire day.