Athletes’ game-related stress is often compounded by struggles with mental health or interpersonal relationships, according to Michael Grinnell, a player wellness counselor for the National Basketball Players Association and assistant director for integrative wellbeing services at Williams College.
Stop Pulling the (Metaphorical) Fire Alarm in Your Life
Traditionally, fire drills are emergency exercises that simulate a building evacuation in the case of a fire. In the corporate world, however, a “fire drill” is what you call it when shit hits the fan.
From Home to the Heights: The Freshman Experience
We have all gone through it, or currently are: the nerve-racking, fun, and stressful freshman year. At the six-week mark, most of us are well immersed in the delicate dance of making new friends and finding one’s place in the vast social landscape of college.
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Oct. 1
We at Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down hope you take some time to yourself over these few days off—relax, focus on your mental health, and remember how much there is to look forward to in the weeks to come.
Auchincloss Discusses Clean Energy, Gun Violence, and Mental Health At Virtual Round Table in Newton
Jake Auchincloss, who represents Massachusetts’ 4th Congressional District, hosted a virtual roundtable with Newton residents on Tuesday.
Saving Instagram, One Swipe at a Time
You’ve probably read a dozen articles like this before: “Instagram linked to depression,” “Social media leads to decline in self-esteem,” “Snapchat crushes your soul”—each and every one being more dire than the last. And they usually end with “DELETE SOCIAL MEDIA NOW!” What they fail to recognize is how unrealistic those expectations are, especially as a college student.
Student Assembly Representatives Discuss Water Fountains, Student Care Days, and BCPD
The Student Assembly (SA) discussed reopening water fountains on campus, creating student mental health days, and establishing a better relationship between the Boston College Police Department (BCPD) and students in its meeting on Tuesday.
Stop Casually Using the Word Depression
This column contains descriptions of one person’s experience with depression and other mental health related struggles which some readers may find upsetting. If you or someone you know is in distress, SAMHSA’s National Hotline (1-800-662-HELP (4357) provides free, confidential treatment referral and information services for individuals and families facing mental health struggles. The increased prevalence…
$3 Million Grant to Aid SSW Study on Intergenerational Trauma
The National Institute of Mental Health awarded Boston College’s Research Program on Children and Adversity (RPCA) a five-year, 3.3 million dollar grant that will advance the program’s research on the mental health effects of war on child soldiers in Sierra Leone, according to BC News.
SA Passes Bills on Mental Health Survey and Virtual Participation in SA Meetings
The Student Assembly (SA) of the Undergraduate Government of Boston College passed two bills on Wednesday. The first initiated a student interest survey on mental health days at BC, and the second allowed virtual participation in SA meetings for members in quarantine.