At this semester’s installment of BC Talks, nine undergraduates spoke to their experiences.
Activist, Comedian Kevin Breel To Return To BC
Kevin Breel is set to return to campus this Tuesday to perform for students in Robsham Theater.
Sophomore Presidential Scholars Set To Air Mental Health Documentary
A year of efforts to explore mental health in Boston by the sophomore class of the Gabelli Presidential Scholars Program is set to culminate in a documentary filmed and produced by the class.
Associate Dean of Research In GSSW Awarded For Work In Mental Health
The Associate Dean of Research of the Boston College Graduate School of Social Work (GSSW), David Takeuchi, has been awarded the Leonard I. Pearlin Award by the American Sociological Association for his research contributions to the field of mental health.
Mind Over Matter: Cassidy Gallegos Razes Stigma To Raise Conversation
A champion for mental health awareness, Cassidy Gallegos takes on the upcoming UGBC presidential election.
‘I Am Not’: Steve Rosenfield Captures New Angle Of BC
Photographer Steve Rosenfield’s ‘What I Be’ Project at BC aims to build security among students by promoting discussions about insecurities.
Read The Full Speeches On Mental Health From BC Ignites
The fourth BC Ignites was hosted in O’Neill Plaza last night, with multiple Boston College students giving speeches about mental health. The speakers have allowed us to republish their words here.
BC Students Have Worked To Promote Mental Health Education And Awareness Since 1965
BC students have been conscious of mental health and the surrounding need for awareness since the 1960s.
The Much-Needed Conversation About Mental Health
Yesterday’s BC Ignites brought mental health, a difficult topic to discuss, to the forefront of conversation on O’Neill Plaza. Coupled with some of UGBC’s other new initiatives, this public discussion can work to decrease the stigma associated with mental illness on campus.
BC Ignites: Breaking Down The Stigma Surrounding Mental Health
This year, the Undergraduate Government of Boston College (UGBC) has enacted a Be Conscious campaign to help erase the stigma surrounding mental illness. Part of this campaign was Wednesday night’s BC Ignites.