The female-led grassroots movement to build a women’s center at Boston College finally came to fruition with a grand opening in the women’s bathroom on the landing outside what is now Eagle’s Nest.
Letters To The Editor, Opinions
LTE: In Response to “Peter Markell, New Chair of Trustees, Discusses Goals, Recent Activism at BC”
“University President Rev. William P. Leahy, S.J. as the leader of Boston College, should speak out whenever situations occur that especially hurt students. There cannot be a substitute for that.”
Opinions, Editorials
BC Should Name 90 After Rev. J. Donald Monan, S.J.
“There is no reason for BC to hesitate any longer: rename 90 after the University’s most impactful and formative figure.”
On Campus, Top Story, Administration, News
“Always at His Best:” Monan Celebrated in Funeral Mass
“The spirit and the essence of J. Donald Monan will thunder through the halls of Boston College for eternity,” said Geoffrey Boisi, a trustee and BC ’69.