Whether I am critiquing, discussing, photographing, preparing, or passionately consuming it, I am unapologetically obsessed with food.
No Ordinary Res-olution
Boston College has a remarkably beautiful campus. While I enjoy many of the spaces this campus offers, there is one place that “does it” for me like no other.
Slowing Your Way Out of the Junior Slump
After two years of existing as a clueless underclassman who can’t tell Stokes North from Stokes South, upperclassman-ship is finally upon me. The glitz and glamor of being a junior is nice, but nobody talks about the instantaneous rush of stress that comes with planning life after college.
Scripting Your Way Out of the Sophomore Slump
We were one-fourth of the year in, and your plans either went to shit or had been semi-successful so far. If you’re like me, you lost some steam.
One Comma, Two Comma, Red Comma, Beluga Comma: TU/TD
Their bulbous heads, unusually pigmented skin, and (notice the Oxford comma) overall happy demeanors contribute to their undeniable uniqueness and beauty compared to other sea creatures.
Legacies and Motivations
“It’s possible that, perhaps, he is thinking about his time in office and the praise and criticism it has received.”