On Wednesday evening, Newton North High School’s TEDx Club held its second annual TEDx Youth event themed “The Power of Passion.”
Newton North Principal Henry Turner Confronts Conflict With Conversation
Newton North hired Turner as its principal in 2016. Since then, the high school of more than 2,000 students has endured a pandemic and shifts in the country’s political climate.
Newton Hosts Vaccine Clinics at High Schools
A tiger-striped “Welcome Back Newton North!” sign welcomed visitors back to Newton North High School on Sept. 11 for a vaccine clinic. Just an 11-minute drive away, Newton South High School held a second vaccine clinic.
Newton Students Hold March for Climate and Racial Justice
More than 100 Newton residents, Newton North students, and activists carried signs reading “Black Lives Matter” and “There is no Planet B” in a socially distanced protest Saturday morning.
Newton Students and Teachers Asked to Stay Home After Returning from Italy
Newton North High School students and teachers who returned from a class trip to Italy completed their first week spent at home instead of in the classroom, as they were asked to stay out of school for two weeks.