ALC is seeking to achieve approval of the program from ResLife to materialize its vision of offering MLE on both residential campuses.
Newton City Council to Vote on Temporary Ban of Recreational Marijuana Establishments
Newton City Council has postponed voting on a temporary ban of recreational marijuana establishments until March 5. If the proposal passes, businesses will not be able to apply for licenses until Dec. 31, 2018 to allow for increased planning time for the Zoning and Planning Committee.
Investigating the Russian Math School
“My feud with Russian President Vladimir Putin, to whom I lost a boxing match to the death several years ago, had clouded my usually unparalleled investigative skills.”
Newton Mayor Fuller Knits Boston College Into Campaign
In her first 100 days in office, Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller hopes to establish an open-door policy. She recognizes the importance of Boston College as an invaluable campaign partner.
Newton Inspires Shines a Light on Community Talent
During the annual lecture series, 16 members of the Newton community spoke about everything from the Big Bang Theory to watercolors.
Coming Full Circle on Campus
“I’m back to living on main again, but now I have found myself going back to these old spots in a way that I never did sophomore year.”
On Sunday, Kennedy Addresses Newton Town Hall
“The federal government isn’t going to be standing up like it has in the past, communities are going to have to,” Kennedy said.
Rezoning Project Sparks Debate in City Council
At their latest meeting on Monday, Newton City councilors debated a potential rezoning project, and discussed affordable housing in the area.
Newton Passes Sanctuary City Ordinance
At the City Council meeting on Tuesday night, councilors passed an amendment to the “Welcoming City” ordinance that granted Newton sanctuary city status.
Cafe Breaks Grounds With Vegetarian Treats
Tucked away in the Newton Highlands, Broken Grounds Café will satisfy anyones cravings for healthy juices, açaí bowls and good cups of coffee.