In an email sent Thursday afternoon, Boston College Dining Services confirmed that weekend Late Night dining hours on Lower Campus would be 9 p.m. to 2 a.m at Addie’s Loft. The email also officially announced that mozzarella sticks and chicken tenders, old staples of previous years’ Late Night dining menus, would be returning to the current menu on weekends. Those items returned to the weekend menu last week.
News, On Campus, Top Story
Dining Services Provides Updates on Fall Semester Changes
Amid the changes and revamps Boston College Dining Services has unrolled to start the fall semester, none has garnered as much attention as Late Night dining’s move from the first floor of Corcoran Commons to Addie’s Loft on the second floor.
News, On Campus, Top Story
Late Night on Lower Campus Moving to Addie’s, to Feature New Menu
Late night dining on Lower Campus will have a new home for the fall semester. Addie’s Loft on the second floor of Corcoran Commons will be now be late night’s territory, a short trip upstairs from Lower dining—the former home for BC students’ late night needs. In addition to the move, a new late night…