It’s hard not to feel cynical in 2024, as digital alerts about climate change and wars and migrants and mental illness all pump into our brains like water against an unstable dam. Amid this doom and gloom, we ought to acknowledge we do not live in the “the Darkest Timeline,” as joked about by the cult classic NBC sitcom Community.
Opinions, Column
A Russian Snowfall
“Curbing Russian advances and avoiding the escalation of conflict are goals this administration will have to strive to achieve for the sake of international stability.”
Opinions, Column
In Support of the Iran Nuclear Deal
While it is not a perfect solution, it is plain to see that the deal achieves the primary goal of the international community: preventing Iran from building nuclear weapons, and preventing a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
Global Zero Continues To Grow In Its First Semester
Global Zero of Boston College has made significant strides in its first semester at BC and is on track to continue its mission to eliminate nuclear weapons worldwide.
Global Zero Works to End Proliferation
For such a small organization, Global Zero at Boston College has a monumental goal: to completely eliminate all nuclear weapons by the year 2030.