“It’s easy to be dissuaded from living here because of the distance and separation from campus, but in my opinion the benefits outweigh the small costs,” said Justin Panzariono, CSOM ’20.
On Campus, Top Story, News
Alcohol Safety Support Line to End Due to Low Call Volume
“Students should also know that residence hall live-in staff have all been trained to have these types of conversations and provide referrals to these offices,” Jemima Pierre, the ASAP Program Manager, said in an email.
Column, Features
Mods, Smoking Ham, and Cookies: The Last Housing Lottery
After getting a mod, features editor Archer Parquette took great pains to avoid writing a cliché housing column.
Bringing Humor, Housing Together With @BC_ResLife
@BC_ResLife, the office’s Twitter account, has been serving up sass during the weeks of room selection since 2015.