Fire destroys, so why do the Jesuits tell us to go and set the world aflame? Maybe they just want a new world order where Jesuits reign supreme and everyone has a liberal arts education. Reflecting as a BC senior, however, I believe Saint Ignatius had a less dictatorial image in mind.
Opinions, Column
Head Empty, No Thoughts: A Beginner’s Guide to the Bog of Bleh
You see, I have recently found myself feeling stuck in a bog of bleh—a void of lethargy and nothingness. In it, identity feels irrelevant, purpose seems excessive, ideals feel presumptuous, and goals are downright impossible.
Column, Opinions
Carpe the Living Daylights Out of Every Diem
I fundamentally disagree with the idea of “finding” happiness. I believe you should make your own happiness, no matter where you are.
Column, Opinions
April Showers, May Flowers, and New Chapters
Spring is bittersweet. It marks the end of our academic year and the last few weeks with college friends, but it also symbolizes the turning of a new chapter.