Whether you’re looking to be heartwarmed or heartbroken, check out our picks—consider it our valentine to you!
Arts, Column
Stitzel: Love Songs Are for Single People
Since Spotify’s AI can’t seem to get it right, I made my own playlist. The songs are about love and breakups, but also everything in between. They’ll resonate whether you’re heartbroken, happy, confused, or so single you forgot Valentine’s Day was this week.
Arts, Column
Stitzel: A Playlist For Those Looking For a Cozy Girl Autumn, Not a Sad One
Staff writer Leah Stitzel composes the perfect, not depressing, Fall playlist to welcome the change of seasons.
Arts, Music
iEdit: Jacob Schick Enjoys Pilsners, Patagonias, and Peter Tosh
Associate Arts Editor Emily Himes reviews a playlist made by A1 Editor, Jacob Schick.