Ken Kersch, an award-winning political science professor, made a lasting impact through his teaching and scholarship, according to Gerald Easter. “The Political Science Department was most fortunate to have a teacher and scholar of such high caliber,” Easter, chair of the Boston College political science department, wrote in a statement to The Heights. “Ken was…
News, On Campus
Joja Offers Middle Eastern Perspective on the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
The Russia-Ukraine conflict is unlike any war we have ever experienced since it is digitally accessible all across the world, Iualia-Sabina Joja, a senior fellow at the Middle East Institute, said.
News, On Campus
Gordon Wood Talks Examining the U.S. Constitution Through a Historical Lens
We should evaluate history with the same mindset we have when traveling to a new country— by being willing to acknowledge differences—according to Gordon Wood, a Pulitzer Prize–winning historian and professor at Brown University.
News, On Campus, Top Story
Students Protest Koch Foundation Funding Proposal
Climate Justice at Boston College organized and led the protest, which featured students, faculty, and outside speakers.
News, On Campus, Top Story
Professors Discuss the Role of Religion, Ethics in the 2016 Presidential Election
Professors examined the ways in which religious beliefs will affect the voting polls.