“As counterintuitive as it may seem, picking either Cruz or Trump in the long run is likely to help moderate Republicans in the future, by showing those on the far right that their extreme candidates cannot win a general election.”
LTE: A Response to “Don’t Let Fear Cast Your Vote”
“Our world may not go up in smoke tomorrow, but it will go up in flames in the future if we don’t change our ways.”
The End of Democracy
“The founding fathers did not plan for us to have a democracy.”
‘A Sleeping Dragon:’ Professors Talk Climate Change
Three professors spoke about climate change and politics at a Greenweek event on Tuesday evening in Devlin 010.
Don’t Let Fear Cast Your Vote
“The possibility of fire and brimstone is as unlikely as it ever was and, on top of that, the United States has an unbroken record of success when confronting its fears, and there doesn’t seem to be anything keeping that record from continuing.”
How Capitalism Can Free Cuba
“The embargo on Cuba has failed. Let us expose Cuba to capitalism and allow it to prosper.”
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“Rather than encouraging rational analysis about a candidate’s proposed policy, our blistering pace of online consumption paves the way for sound bites and quick jokes that leave no room for nuance.”
Emmy Nominee Brings Political Discussions to the Table
On Tuesday evening, Emmy-nominated documentary maker Julie Winoker talked about traveling across the country with a table to get students to engage in political discussions.
Treating America’s Problem
“The job of political pundits, party elites, and media figures should no longer be Trump-bashing—instead, they must begin the grand project of Trump-understanding.”
The Problem of Common Core
“Using an untested, unproven method all over the country is a risky and dangerous move. Educational standards should be created then reviewed and discussed with teachers, parents, students, and local governments around the country before they become the norm.”