I think we are the first generation where sex is less awkward to talk about than dating. In order to not further risk my chances of getting into heaven, I’ll be talking about the latter—I’m told BC priests read these articles every now and then. Strap in! In case you didn’t know, Merriam-Webster defines date as “the brown, oblong edible fruit of a palm (Phoenix dactylifera).”
Opinions, Column
Only Child, Lonely Child?
Growing up as an only child, I was constantly asked, “Do you like it?”—almost always with a dismissive tone, as if it were impossible that I could enjoy being the only child in my family.
Column, Opinions
Playing Games in Situationship Culture
The Boston College student is marked by a competitive spirit—a spirit not confined to the classroom. Although we consider ourselves men and women for others, we also seek success for ourselves.
Column, Opinions
How to Break Up With Your Boy/Girlfriend, If You’re Bored
“Pick whatever type of breakup works for the kind of person you are.”
Featured Column, Column, Opinions
You’re Single? Good
We need to stop pursuing relationships like we do a homework assignment or internship. Finding a life partner cannot be another checkmark on your college to-do list.