Modern-day nuns are often thought of as out of touch with the rest of society, but this is untrue, according to Bernadette McCauley, associate professor of history at Hunter College of the City University of New York. “There is a frequent depiction of 20th-century American nuns as irrelevant, out of touch, and silly,” McCauley said….
The Case for Attending Mass
Whether you’re a Christian, a member of a different religion, or skeptical of faith as a whole, you have to actively and intentionally engage with the unique Jesuit, Catholic spiritual tradition that defines our school to fully grasp the Boston College experience.
Reflections on a Jesuit Education
I have now spent the past six years of my life in a Jesuit learning environment and as most know that comes with a lot of reflection. In fact, I probably spent at least a third of my high school career reflecting.
Religion and Science Need Each Other
Religion and science have a reputation for conflict. Religious institutions have long viewed scientific observation and discovery as threats to their authority, and the scientific community has long portrayed religious belief as naive because of its lack of empirical evidence.
A Queer Pastor Fights to Prove That Christianity Can Be Inclusive
Woodward Downplays Religion in American Politics
Former Newsweek religion editor Kenneth Woodward argued that religion is no longer a significant factor in presidential politics in a lecture titled “Religion in the White House.”
Richard Gaillardetz Bridges the Pews With the Academy
Richard Gaillardetz finds the best way to approach 2,000 years of Church history is first with a reminder that all are members of the baptized faithful.
Doyle and Roozeboom Explore Connections Between Theology and Psychology
“As we spend time loving and caring for ourselves, our brain responds and our capacity to love and connect with our neighbor increases,” Roozeboom said. “What happens is people lose a sense of separateness between the self and others, and we have this experience of being at one.”
At Agape Latte, Cullinan Reflects on Power of Prayer
“There was no other explanation other than prayer,” Cullinan said.
New Campus Ministry Programs to Focus on Race
In a survey, many students said that colorblindness was enough, because it leads to equality, while others said it is ignorant, dismantling people’s stories by removing a key part of their identities.