What happens when you take the smartest and most privileged kids from around the world and put them under one roof? World peace? No, actually it’s almost exactly the opposite—you get competition.
On Campus, Arts
Bostonians To Compete at International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella
The Bostonians of Boston College will be competing at ICCA on Feb. 18 against other university a cappella groups in the Northeast region for a spot in the semifinals.
Arts, On Campus
DOBC’s Showcase ‘Reputation’ Centers Around Kindness and Empowerment
‘Reputation’ features dances from 20 different student choreographers under the theme of empowerment and kindness.
Arts, Music, Review
Taylor Swift Switches From Safe to Screw-You
Taylor Swift’s ‘Reputation’ is a retaliatory piece of pop-music, poking fun at herself while barraging her enemies with incendiary synth-ballads.