Tag: reslife

If It’s Not Broken, Don’t Fix It: An Open Letter to ResLife
Editorials, Opinions

If It’s Not Broken, Don’t Fix It: An Open Letter to ResLife

The Office of Residential Life should implement more effective methods of communication during the housing selection process, including timely use of social media platforms, consistent instructions for registration and selection, and increased clarity surrounding any changes being made to the process.  Housing selection is a stressful time for Boston College students, and ResLife should play…

Editorial: Without an Overhaul of the Housing Selection Process, Students Must Take It Upon Themselves To Mitigate Toxic Culture
Opinions, Editorials

Editorial: Without an Overhaul of the Housing Selection Process, Students Must Take It Upon Themselves To Mitigate Toxic Culture

The housing selection process at Boston College is a needlessly stressful one, marked by rumors and distrust. Since a complete overhaul of the housing selection process seems unlikely in the near future, students must take initiative to change the toxic culture surrounding housing at BC.  Every class year at BC has a desired housing location….

BC Threatens Tighter Restrictions After Covid-19 Uptick
News, Top Story, Coronavirus Updates

BC Threatens Tighter Restrictions After Covid-19 Uptick

Executive Vice President and Interim Vice President for Student Affairs Michael Lochhead sent an email to students on Tuesday attributing the recent rise in COVID-19 cases at Boston College to “students letting their guard down.” If the trend continues, BC may implement further restrictions, including possibly sending students home early for the semester, the email said. 

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