Greg Jones, director of housing operations, disclosed details regarding AHANA+-identifying RAs, housing trends, and renovations to residence halls.
Move-In Days Shifted for Student Population
Move-in day for Boston College students will be pushed back a day to August 24 and Welcome Week will be shortened to four days for incoming freshmen, according to Greg Jones, residential life’s director of housing operations. Additionally, students who want to move in early will have to pay a fee.
2150, 2000 Dorms Still Slow To Fill During Annual Housing Process
The process ran through a familiar pattern to past years, with the Mods filling up early on in the process. For the third straight year, 2150 Commonwealth Ave. was the slowest—and final—dorm to fill up.
Editorial: Rise in AHANA+ RAs Shows Inclusion in Residence Halls
“It is important that BC represents all student demographics in leadership roles on campus—an increase in RAs that identify as students of color presents a solid foundation to ensure that residents find their dorms comfortable and inclusive homes for the year.”
2150 Remains Last to Fill During Room Selection
“[2150 is] removed from every other senior, just like CoRo was, so I would rather live in housing that’s not as nice to be with all of my friends,” said Sean Kane, MCAS ’19.
Somewhere Beyond the Sea, Meet the Betta Fish of BC
Even in a CoRo triple, the room’s occupants didn’t feel whole until they brought home their betta fish, Grandmaster Splash.
About 100 Beds Empty in 2000 Comm. Ave., ResLife Says
It’s unclear how many of the spaces will be filled after the housing freeze is lifted and students are allowed to move.
2150 Comm. Ave. Reaches Silver Standard for Energy Efficiency
With the construction of 2150 Comm Ave, BC adds green to its usual maroon and gold motif.
Alert System Needed for Off-Campus Break-Ins
“A new alert system that emails off-campus students after every off-campus break-in should be instituted through the University.”
Cruising Through the Streets and Strutting Through Airports
This list is the most beautiful thing this side of the Shaggyfling River.