‘Gladiator II,’ the sequel to the original ‘Gladiator,’ is an intense film about duty and legacy. It boasts both an impressive cast and direction under Ridley Scott. Unfortunately, a few critiques guarantee it will never live up to the greatness of the first movie.
Movies, Arts
‘Napoleon’ Immerses Viewers in a Historically Inaccurate Love Story
Director Ridley Scott makes sure that Napoleon’s relationship with his wife, Joséphine, is at the film’s core.
Movies, Arts
Ridley Scott Sends Damon To Mars, Thankfully Omits The Aliens
‘The Martian’ is a casual but still hard-boiled sci-fi film starring Matt Damon surrounded by a capable cast.
Arts, Column, Movies
Ripley Returns From Cryosleep
“Alien” first struck Chris at the age of five, here’s to hoping it can strike again.