Vice Provost for Research and Academic Planning Tom Chiles referenced the new department at an information session regarding the upcoming Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society.
Administrators Reveal Details About Schiller Schedule, Effects on Campus
The meeting addressed the project’s effects on traffic, parking, and noise, as well as confirmation of a new engineering department—the first public indication of any such plans.
Chemistry Department Aims for Collaboration Through Schiller
Though the department is working to become stronger, according to Marc Snapper, chair of the chemistry department, its focus with regard to the Schiller is truly on reciprocity.
Landrigan to Lead Global Public Health Initiative
Boston College hired Philip J. Landrigan as a full-time faculty member to lead the creation of the University’s Global Public Health Initiative, which will include a new major and minor and will be a cornerstone of the new Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society, according to a University press release.
Regular Admissions Applications Increase 9 Percent From Last Year
“This points to BC’s continued strength among college-age students. If they decide to do the essay, it suggests a level of seriousness about wanting to go here,” said John Mahoney, director of undergraduate admissions.