At their spring café, My Mother’s Fleabag used improv games and crowd involvement to entertain a packed Gasson 305.
Arts, Music, On Campus
The Heightsmen’s Spring Cafe Impresses With Impeccable A Capella
The Heightsmen, Boston College’s all-male a capella group, performed in front of a large crowd during their Spring Cafe.
On Campus, Music, Arts
The Bostonians Show Off Harmonies at Spring Cafe
The Bostonians dazzled their sold-out audience with impressive harmonies and crowd-pleasing songs.
Arts, On Campus
Asinine Entertains Audiences with Improvised Comedy at Spring Cafe
Asinine entertained a packed house in Gasson 305 with improv skits about the stoner stereotype, synchronized swimming, and the Civil War.
Arts, On Campus, Featured Story
The Acoustics Find Their Inner Dinosaur For ‘Jurassic Parkapella’
The Acoustics’ spring show featured SNL-like comedy skits, Jurassic Park-themed costumes, and a showcase of the group’s soloists.