While fans and critics of the sci-fi series are rethinking their initial reactions to ‘The Force Awakens,’ one fans holds onto the hope that the future of the series is still in the right hands.
Disney Goes to ‘Infinity’ and Beyond
‘Disney Infinity’ brings together the best of the brand’s iconic characters in one sandbox adventure, but has it gone to far with its pricing?
George Lucas vs. the People
While Disney can logically buy the rights to use these figments of Lucas’ imagination, one wonders whether true ownership has been transferred at all.
The Journey To See ‘Star Wars’ In A Theater Far, Far Away
The story of one man’s mission to reach the premiere of ‘The Force Awakens.’
The Force Is Strong With Ford, Boyega, And Ridley In ‘Episode VII’
The seventh installment in the legendary series soars into theaters this weekend, leaving its mark on the hearts of faithful fans across the galaxy.
The Drawing Board: ‘Jedi Struggles’
The comic for this week’s Thursday issue, as the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer was released, a legitimate fear is explored.
Trailers And Tickets, Fear And Hope For ‘The Force Awakens’
Tickets and the trailer for ‘The Force Awakens’ were released this week, but fans continue to wade in a pool intermingled with apprehension and excitement.
How ‘The Force Awakens’ Is Doing Promotion Right
Today’s movies reveal entirely too much on their previews, but will the latest ‘Star Wars’ film break the mold?
Hollywood Horror: Sequels And Reboots, Wash Rinse Repeat
2015 is a year stuffed with sequels to some of cinemas favorite franchises, but is that really a good thing?
Edits Lead To Anger, Anger Leads To Suffering
George Lucas prided himself on the editing authority he had over his films, but does Disney’s recent acquisition leave a new hope for disgruntled fans?