Stop trying to be so productive. No, really. Focusing on productivity isn’t improving your life, it’s probably making it worse. Let me explain. Growing up, we are told by parents and teachers not to “waste time.” We’re told to stop watching TV and “do something productive,” chastised for sleeping in, and constantly reminded that there…
Column, Opinions
A Bittersweet Sunset To Freshman Year
Walking from Upper Campus to the gym at 6 a.m. changes a person. One morning a few weeks ago, while walking to the gym, I witnessed possibly the most gorgeous sunrise I’ve ever seen. The sun glowed across the horizon, coloring the clouds shades of purple, orange, and pink that I’ve never seen before. Compared…
Opinions, Column
Appreciating the Opportunities That Come With Higher Education
Reflection of this type externalizes internal motivation so stressors can work in tandem instead of in conflict.
Column, Opinions
Chill Out and Be a Kid
“No, I didn’t land a big internship with a Big Three or Big Four, nor am I Tom Hanks from Big.”
Opinions, Column
The Importance of Adopting a Hobby
“When all you think about is training and studying, eventually you’re going to snap.”