Vacancies in the Student Assembly are usually filled by appointment.
In Student Assembly, Two Sophomores Call for More Moderate Voices
Proietta and Mancini think BC as a whole is more conservative than the SA, and they want UGBC’s advocacy efforts to reflect that.
Student Assembly Calls for BC to Become Sanctuary Campus
Another resolution calls for BC to revamp its bias incident reporting by creating an ad hoc response team and centralizing an online form on the Agora Portal.
UGBC Student Assembly Affirms Commitments to Student Center, Spirituality
The resolutions involve no approved plans or definite policy changes, and are meant largely as statements.
UGBC Student Assembly Postpones Vote on Promoting Spirituality
The presenters of the resolution argued that spiritual formation is integral to all human development, but others disagreed.
Student Assembly Rejects Proposal to Add External Financial Committee
The vote on the resolution was 22-2, not in favor of adding an external financial committee.
UGBC Financial Committee Proposal Was Misguided
“While this proposal attempted to address a valuable issue, it lacked the necessary knowledge of UGBC’s operations.”
Admin Should Respond to SA Resource Center Resolution
“The administration must acknowledge that what students and alumni call for ought to be considered.”
A Motion for Administrative Change on Sexual Education
The undergraduate government’s Student Assembly held a meeting, spearheaded by Collin Pratt, MCAS ’17, and John Daniell, MCAS ’17, as an attempt to open a dialogue concerning UGBC and the official Boston College administration’s stance on conversations about sex on campus.
UGBC Rejects Proposed Alignment To Catholic Identity
The Student Assembly of the Undergraduate Government of Boston College rejected a resolution proposed by Hagop Toghramadjian that would symbolically align UGBC with the moral purpose of the University and endorse BC’s Jesuit history and identity.