This Thursday’s primaries saw an unusually low voter turnout, at less than 9 percent, but students today can play a role that has not been there in the past—social media and the array of new responsibilities that come with it.
Voices from the Dustbowl
‘What Was The Most Interesting Thing You Saw This Week?’
In this week’s edition of ‘Voices From The Dustbowl,’ we asked students what caught their eye the most this past week.
Column, Featured Column, On Campus, Arts
Finding Our ‘Definitions’ At Boston College
While we’re at BC, what we do tends to define who we are, making it difficult to think of ourselves independent of our involvement, particularly when our commitments end.
Arts, On Campus, Column
Why Superfans Don’t Show Up
It requires remarkably little to show your support at Boston College—and for how simple it is, we can be exceptionally bad at it.
Arts, On Campus, Column
Why I Quit Overcommitting At BC
The more things we dedicate ourselves to—whether it be to a club, a sport, or a program—the less we’re actually dedicated to any single one of them.