“What we keep hidden may say more about us than what we choose to show.”
Where Does Rubinoff Come From?
“She did discover, however, Rubi’s opaque ownership—a question that should consume us all, much as the stench of Rubi consumes Boston College on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings.”
Why Student Athletes Needs Priority Registration
“It is no secret that many student-athletes at BC would have no shot of acceptance on their own academic merit.”
Letting Go of Cornell
“Confused and already in tears, I shut my laptop and attempted to ignore what I thought was a trap that would only lead to further disappointment.”
Don’t Call Me a Liberal
“This is why I hate being called a liberal.”
The Voluntourist’s Dilemma
The trip seemed less about volunteerism and more about sightseeing, photo-taking “voluntourism.”
Senior Week Needs Funding for Students Struggling Financially
“The Committee could arrange with BC Dining, like organizations such as Arrupe and an annual class trip to Israel and Palestine do, to collect donations from students.”
Learning With Empathy
“This kind of learning results in the knowledge of the material in isolation: Without the context, students are not able to uncover the meaning behind the event.”
Satirizing Intellectual Conversation
“I guess it must be I who is wrong in reasoning that every single student cannot be right.”