“The prices of new textbooks have been rising incredibly fast—faster than food, clothing, cars and even health care.”
Understanding Others Through Pom Squad
“I spent my first week at BC, a time typically filled with ice cream socials, info sessions, and icebreaker activities, trying to learn over 35 dance routines.”
The Myth of a ‘Balanced’ College Life
“We all strive to live balanced lives, but we are not perfect, no matter how often we pretend to be.”
A Lesson Learned from the Garbage Man
“As we become more used to waste, we learn to devalue the things around us.”
Eating the Frog: How to Avoid Procrastination
“According to the American Psychological Association, about 80 to 95 percent of college students procrastinate when it comes to their school work.”
Where Have all the Strangers Gone?
“In our highly connected world, it often seems that a perfect stranger is harder to come by than a Prince Charming.”
How I Stopped Sweating the Small Stuff
“Delving into my past, I can say with certainty that at times, the small stuff doesn’t matter.”
The Unnecessary Stigma of Mental Illness
The funny thing about the stigma is that it often reveals itself quietly. I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone teased for being depressed or suffering from an eating disorder—BC students (as far as I’ve seen) are pretty upright people. We know better than to bully each other. But what we will do is deny, deny, deny.
Confronting Your True Self
Like so many other well-meaning BC students, I had become over-involved, trapped in that room of mirrors in an effort to play every role.
Getting The Job Done
Many students might find it hard to balance their academic and social lives, but hundreds of others add one more element to the mix: an on-campus job.