The expectation is that BC should be in conversation with students while making these decisions so that they can be implemented in the most satisfactory and effective way.
Finding Yourself Outside the Flow
Going with the flow is ultimately detrimental to our personal well being because “the flow” is a stream of thoughts/actions/norms/values that ensnare us all.
Living in a Post-Truth World
How can something this seemingly moderate lead to the vitriolic aggression between the two parties that we see today?
Expecting the Best Gets You Success
Too often we forget that we can ignore our own logic and empirical insights—we can resist the urge to assume that our past mistakes will inevitably recur in the future.
Calling an Inactive Demographic to Action
In my experience asking those my age why they choose not to exercise their right, most avoid straight-up claiming they couldn’t care less.
Learning to Say What You Mean
It’s a matter that comes to fruition in our language, but exists in every part of our life.
Die-In Proves Necessary Action to Continue Movement For Diversity
Last year’s march occurred with the intention that the University would do something in response.
Guest Column: A Letter to the Dean Calling for a Reconsideration of BC’s Alcohol Policy
If I’m going to get the same punishment for not drinking as I would for drinking, then why don’t I just drink like everyone else?
On the Militarization of the Police
The parallels between the slave patrol and modern policing are frightening and include mass incarceration and an extensive history of police brutality.
Nicomachean and Nicotine Ethics: Considering the Morality of the JUUL
Would our theology professors have anything to say about using refilled pods? Would our philosophy professors even care?